Meet the Characters - Sarah

Hey a new devlog kinda, today I'm starting a new series where I'll be focusing on party members, one every week (hopefully) and then a final post about how they synergise both mechanically and narratively.

First up is our main protagonist Sarah.

So from the quick summary above lets expand.

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Height: 5"4'  / 1.625m

Mechanical Class: Light Guardian


Sarah was raised by the last of the Light Guardians, an elderly man she simply refers to as Grampa. Taken to Snowton as a toddler along with the elf girl Llewl  when Grampa's apprentice and Sarah's mother Elizabeth was killed.  Sarah was raised to fulfil Elizabeths duty, to become a Light Guardian and to protect Llewl at all costs.

As a result of her training, Sarah grew up very task orientated and driven, learning to quickly get control of her emotions and focus on the task at hand missing out on a normal childhood and lacking experience in many social aspects.  

That said she quickly formed a steadfast bond with Llewl and the two grew close along with local village troublemaker Hans.  At just 16 Sarah feels underprepared to be a Light Guardian and that she lacks the ability to actually protect Llewl when the time comes.


As a light Guardian Sarah plays very much like a traitional Holy Paladin class with a little bit of cleric thrown in.  Being the strongest physical tank in the game and being able to dish out hefty physical and magical damage (especially focused on the light element), she is easily the most all round character that the player will control, offering decent DPS, healing and attack magic from the off.

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