Llewl Demo - Its got a lot of fixes!

I’ve had a quiet week at work so many changes have happened thanks to your feedback. First off, thanks to each and everyone of you guys who have played the demo. We’ve passed 150 downloads which is awesome. It might not seem like a lot but given its essentially been available for download for about 3 weeks of its year plus time on Itch I’m super happy.

I asked you guys for feedback and boy did you deliver. I love you all. Now the change list.


Head and Body gear icons now fixed (were swapped).

Controller now has a minimap button combo.

Patched bug where player can jump through walk tutorial tile.

Quilt Barkeep had no nametag.

Removed Sarah’s heart icon on burning Grampa (lol).

Status Menu description location now matches other scenes.

Patched drowning Enemy location saving in water.

Quilt Caves Hidden Exit tile fixed.

Tiling issue in Quilt Item Shop

Ability to Jump over Shout Event trigger during Snowton Battle patched.

Jumping issue with Snowton Crates in the invasion map.

Fixed slight audio looping issue during Snowton invasion.

Players no longer can enter Quilt Mayor’s House early.

The Pyro Ring was accidentally doing blunt damage.

Rogue door event in Whitewoods removed.

Bug with bridge in 1st Whitewoods map killed.

State effect listed twice in Sarah’s Holy Light.

Tiling issue in Whitewoods North beside chest fixed.

Player jump ability allowed leaping over map transfer edges and off map.

Typos fixed in grammar pass.

Snowman sprites under fighter sprites during Invasion fixed.

Tile collision issue in Adventurers Guild.

Tier 2 Aerothage states wrongly stunning.

Players could jump into inaccessible plant tiles.

Blunt animation playing instead of Pyro now fixed.

Fixed intro scene marching animation stutter.

Hans accidentally showed level up and new skill on recruitment.

Temporarily changed return to title screen to open menu as it was causing a crash on demo completion.

Kobold Mage Static Shock and Discharge casting time fixed.

Enemy Troops always contain map sprite enemies.

Bellas Counter Slash state was being blocked by her armour.

Bellas Third Eye state was being blocked by her armour.

Fixed bug with menu opening on swimming minigame.

Fixed flashing bug on transfer to swimming game.

Removed ability to jump on swimming minigame.

Tweaks and Changes

Change to floor tiles Quilt caves (looks less Ruin like and more cave like).

Removed Aggro Bar from Hud.

Removed flavour Text from weapons.

Increased size of icon and text on acquiring item.

Ice Avian stat balance redress.

Equippable Type Names are now more consistent.

Snowshroom was firing AoE ice too often.

Moved when Sarah equips Aerothage Stone to earlier in game.

Nerfed pitfall damage drastically.

Slight change to Quilt map to make access to SW chest more obvious.

Slight buff to mob XP in first 2 dungeons

Tweak to 1st quest journal entry to say Grampa instead of Grandad.

Very minor buff to squishy Hans HP.

Player drowning now impossible, you can still drown enemies.

Removed nerf on Shield item that was lowering Sarah’s agility.

Kobold Mage - now takes a break between discharge and static shock, runs a 5 turn cycle instead of 4. Secondary heal now has a 50% chance to fire on enemies with <25% HP, instead of the former 100% chance on enemies <33%

Shield Values now boosted to def * 20 for armour and mdf * 20 for mana wall. Old value was * 10.

Kobold Fighter now has a 6 turn cycle so it doesn’t constantly provoke. Extra cleave skill though to offset nerfs to mage and lack of provoke.

Resting at the Quilt Inn now no longer transfers players upstairs.

Removed ugly green bushes from Snowton.

Map edit to Snowton to better align the camera for cutscene.

Map edit to Quilt Caves to remove some stones from water.

Map edit to Quilt Caves to remove pitfall near transfer.

Pitfalls now do max 5% hp damage as opposed to 20%.

Lowered Timer on swim minigame map 1.

Lowered Kraken HP by 40%

Moved Ice Golem reward chests so they are now unmissable.

Changed Singing Icon Balloons to all the same colour and more visible against lights.

Moving menu options are now much subtler.

Change healing item sizes form (sm) to (S) etc…

Moved auto battle message to screen bottom so as to not cover battlers.

Made a tweak to Whitewoods SW map so the player can see a clear exit in a jumping area.

Changed minimap compass icon.

Removed 1 enemy more from each WhiteWoods Map.

Enemy defend skill is no longer as strong as Player defend skill..

Time of day now changes depending on story progress.

Added dialogue on acquiring unreadable scroll.

Added decor to White Woods

Slight change to forest snowball battle in Whitewoods pre-event.

Change to code under shooting minigame, better performance and less jank.

Lowering of Bella’s starting HP to prevent her being OP.

Altered Bellas break slash damage, less damage vs non-armored enemies.

Changed subclasses to have a bigger effect on stats offsetting some weaknesses.

Battle UI overhaul.

Sped up Inn cutscene approach of Mayor’s Aide and Barkeep, cut some dialogue to improve pacing.

Cleaner set up on States being added and removed.

Quilt Inn now uses a more relaxed version of Inn theme.

Replaced Jump SE.

Normal attacks now restore 10% MP.

Weapon Unleash replaced by Ultimate party limit gauge.

Updated to Nwjs 0.80.0

Updated to Pixi 6.0.4

Minified Pixi.js for performance boost.

Removed redundant events and doodads from Invasion Map.

Proximity Compass Icons and event icons added to useful NPC’s such as Merchants.

Moved Caves near Quilt merchant to boss save room.

Change of text for kickstarter on title.

Lowered stats on Wooden Hammer and Iron Dagger to compensate for new difficulty tweaks.

Added a rest/save map before every boss.

Added icons to notable NPC’s.

Tons more minor tweaks and little bits of polish.

So thats about it for now. Please be sure to give us a follow (not money) on Kickstarter at https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/oathgames/llewl


Llewl.zip 329 MB
Sep 27, 2023

Get Llewl and the Lyre of Two Worlds

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