2nd Public Demo Available - Update v0.1.31

2nd Public Demo now available.

Given the relative success of inhouse testing we’ve dropped the 2nd public demo early. As always we’re open to all feedback and appreciate that everyone who follows the game has been waiting nearly a year since the last update. We’re quite proud of this one and updates should be more frequent going forward. Thanks to everyone for their patience. We hope you enjoy the demo.

Version 0.1.31 includes the following fixes:

New Features:

Save anywhere now available.


Swimming tutorial pop-up in WhiteWoods North Map location fixed.

Combat not showing current no. of items fixed with removal of visual item inventory.

Mapping issue in Whitewoods SW patched.

WhiteWoods NW transfer west, temporary text box explaining player can’t go that way added.

Typo in Light Shot skill description fixed.

Mouse movement now passes over events with player touch, below player when the event has nothing to do.

Slip damage can now KO both the player and enemy battlers.

Development menu no longer has broken text..

Jumping is now not allowed in water, broken switch patched.

Patched bug where player could interact with Llewl in Snowton cavern from wrong area and knock cutscene out of sync.

Removed Key bind options from the menu as it was being overwritten by some important dual button combinations on the controller!

Fixed bug with Hans songs in Whitewoods Camp.

Minor Update/QOL

Critical health text and colour tweaked.

Added a small text tweak to ensure it’s clearer Llewl won’t fight in the second tutorial battle.

Moved Llew to a more defensive grid position.

Battle UI now stays on screen during player/enemy attacks.

Healing items are now self use only to prevent shield up/healing item abuse.

Reduced Cavern Slime HP so they die in 2 hits.

Reduced Combat Dummy HP so they die in 3 hits.

Reduced all non-Boss Whitewood enemies HP by 10%.

Title Screen now defaults to “Continue” if the game finds a save file.

SE Changes to “confirm”, “scroll” and “cancel”.

Changed Save Menu layout to a more classic list style as the full screen yellow box was hurting users’ eyes.

Lowered damage from Sarah’s provoke skill by 33%.

Complete grammar/typo pass. (Doesn’t mean it’s clear)

Removed redundant tutorials on interaction and movement.

Patched some jerky camera movement.

Made some tweaks to skills that attack weapon range only.


Llewl0.1.31.zip 376 MB
60 days ago

Get Llewl and the Lyre of Two Worlds

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