Harddrive Disaster and I'm Back.

So the game has undergone a huge overhaul based on feedback from testers and other developers.

Out with the Old and in with the New.

Gona is the stand action ABS to be replaced with something much smoother.  I took inspiration from FF7R and tried to combine ATB with and ABS.  It took a lot of work but I have something pretty smooth.  I feel this has pushed the battle system to new heights allowing both strong ABS players and those who need a little more time in making decisions to hopefully thrive and excel in ways that wasn't previously possible.

Now instead of each skill having a hotkey and a cooldown, the player has an ATB which charges over time but gets boosted by using ABS style Melee attacks.   This while seemingly limiting at first, takes pressure off the player to manage and multi task skills too much

The 2nd change is Ghost instead of being a weapon is now a 2nd playable character.  So  you can use what I call a "tag" system, where you can swap Undying out and tag in Ghost.  While Undying excels at close up in your face combat, with brutal physical skills and has the elements of Thunder and Ice, Ghost shoots energy Arrows from his bow, he does much less damage but can fight from long range.  Combining this with the hybrid ABS/ATB system has given me tons of idea's for interesting enemies going forward.  To stay on top of more difficult battles the player will have to both use action hits to charge the ATB and a careful combination of the tag system to stagger and deal massive damage to enemies.  This should hopefully manifest itself in most importantly  fun battle system that will reward players who take time to learn its nuances, yet battles still be very winnable for those less skilled.

Difficult Yet Fair.

So this is something I've battled with a lot recently.  Too many rpgs use what I call "fake difficulty".  Generally when I see the word Souls like and an rpg maker game it leads to "If your gonna win at my game you need the rng Gods to bless you.  This is something that I flat out despise, skill should decide battles not luck.  This is something I'm currently striving to add.  So while there will be minor rng on attacks (bascially at most a 5% damage modifier, I am completely removing critical hits from enemy attacks.  

At no time in this game will an enemy hit for extra damage when unprepared, at no time will they spam powerful skills without warning and never will the fate of the player be down to the roll of an rng dice.

If yo read this novel, I'd love to hear your thoughts but for now.  Stay safe.

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